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Two Huge New Announcements from the Illumi-Nerdi!

We have two pretty damn cool announcements!

First things first: we officially have a new banner provided by our good buddy Mike Lombardo. Check out some of his absolutely gorgeous stuff at his WEBSITE. Also, special thanks to Jess Allan for inspiring the idea!

Second things second: we're officially announcing that we're working on our second comic entitled 617.

Here's a brief tentative synopsis: A plane collides with another in midair and the group of survivors crash into the Rocky Mountains. From there, it is something of a road story; the group trying to get back to society and what happens when they get back to “civilization” (it’s extremely crucial that "civilization" is in quotes). As they are attempting to trek down the mountain the group splits apart and comes across survivors from the other plane as well as many characters who know much more about their predicament then they are letting on . It’s sort of a mix of Y: The Last Man meets Christian and Norse mythologies. It is also (perhaps most importantly) a literal clash of Technology vs. Religion. You’ll see Valkyries, The Four Horsemen (who are evil/questionable historical figures you’ll certainly recognize who are attempting to earn their way back into God’s good graces,) Fenrir the Wolf, a few choice Angels and the good ol' Antichrist makes an appearance (who may not appear as you might typically think about the Antichrist). We blend a lot of different mythologies and attempt to find the answer to "Life, the Universe and Everything" (hint: it's not 42).

New 52 #19's Gatefold Cover formely known as "WTF" Month

A few months ago, DC planned planned to mark April as "WTF" month. Sounds like a catchy idea, right? We thought so but everyone else hated it. So when "WTF" month went viral, people pretty much bashed it. At one point it looked like "WTF" month was going to be "What the Fifty-Two" month but that idea fell flat with the comic book market. For the past week and a half, covers have been leaked on Bleeding Cool, Newsarama and Comic Book Resources. 

It looks like Superman is wrapped in vines, angry and maybe being mind control. Are Poison Ivy and the Scarecrow working together? 

Did you read Batman #0? Before Bruce was dressed up as Batman, he was fighting crime and doing Beta-Batman stuff. Gordon noticed a connection between Bruce's return and the sudden appearance of Gotham's vigilante but Bruce denied all accusations. Now that Robin is dead, we can all expect Gordon to start connecting the dots again and Bruce can't have that.   

Batman #19 is technically Batman #900. 

One of the few disappointments in Batman's "Death of the Family" was that the story had zero major repercussions. However, that is not in case in other Bat-family books. In Red Hood and the Outlaws, Joker left one final joke for the Bat-family post-disappearance. Joker put together a serum, sneaked it into Red Hood's helmet and now he's in a comma. On the last page of #18, the bottom of the page said RHATO #19 "This is your life, Jason Todd". Was his memory erased?  It hints at that. However, the "WTF" cover for #19 has half of Todd's face burnt off. Oh, and kinda looks like Two-Face


Looks like April is bringing the return of Darkseid's #2, Desaad.


Is the Reserves Flash and Wally West the same person? That looks likeWally's dad in Flash's hand.